1. Since a night storm whose waves were raging
The foam of time, adorning the greenery, drifted
١. وطُوفانِ ليلٍ مُذْ طَفًَا فيه مَوْجُهُ
طَفَا زَبَدُ الدهرِ المُزَيِّنِ للْخَضْرَا
2. The flood of dawn burst from its eastern dam
That is why dawn is called fajr
٢. تفَجَّر سَيْلُ الصبحِ من سَدِّ شَرْقِهِ
فمِن أجْلِ ذا يُدْعَى الصباحُ بهِ فَجْرَا