
How many youths have I saved from fiery trials

وكم فتية نجيت من نار فتنة

1. How many youths have I saved from fiery trials
And rescued them from the darkness of passion

١. وكم فِتْيةٍ نَجَّيْتُ من نار فِتْنَةٍ
وأنْقَذْتُهم من ظُلْمةِ الحَدَثانِ

2. They denied me my rights, then were deceived by my humility
As if to them I were Khalid ibn Sinan

٢. أضاعُوا حُقوقِي ثم غُرُّوا بِذِلَّتِي
كأنِّي لديْهم خالدُ بن سِنانِ