
Do you know what the water-wheels say as they turn around,

أتدري السواقي ما تقول وقد غدت

1. Do you know what the water-wheels say as they turn around,
Going up and down as they irrigate?

١. أتَدْرِي السَّواقِي ما تقولُ وقد غدتْ
تدُورُ وتَسْقي حين تعلُو وتنْزِلُ

2. They say: "He who is full rises up, while everything
That humbled itself, remains low forever."

٢. تقول لك المَمْلُوءُ يعْلُو وكلُّ ما
تضَرَّع تَلْقاهُ مَدَى الدهرِ يسْفُلُ

3. The people want you to love the rich and you have always
Been hostile to the poor who have no resources.

٣. تُريدُ الورى تهْوَى الغَنِيَّ ولم تزَلْ
تُعادِي فقيراً ما عليه مُعَوَّلُ

4. So do not show poverty as long as you are among them,
But feign wealth, for that is more graceful.

٤. فلا تُظْهِرَنَّ الفقْرَ ما دُمْتَ بينهم
وأظْهِرْ غنىً عنهم فذلك أجْمَلُ