1. A beloved appeared though he refused his veil
Yet no luck for pouring passions boiling inside
١. حَبيبٌ تَراءى وَهوَ يَأَبى لِثامُهُ
وَلا حَظَهُ صَبٌّ يَثورُ هُيامُهُ
2. Seeing him, he didn't surrender his love to sharing
And he felt grieved by what his stature concealed
٢. رَآهُ فَلَم يُسلِم هَواهُ لِشَركَةٍ
وَأَربى عَلَيهِ ما جَلاهُ قَوامُهُ
3. With a delicate, slim branch, he competed with the flowering tree
Its heights, when it yields and its clouds give life
٣. بِقَدٍّ رَهيفٍ شارَكَ الغُصنُ مُزهِراً
أَعاليهِ إِذا أَجنى وَأَحيا غَمامُهُ
4. The day faded into an uncaring, listless spring
From my glance, how ill what he conceals!
٤. وَخَدَّ نَهارٍ في بِهارٍ وَفاتِرٍ
مِنَ الطَرفِ يَأسو ما يَسوءُ اِجتِرامُهُ
5. A promise that illuminates the darkness gathered
Expecting it would heal wholesomely what he determined
٥. وَوَعدٍ يُضيءُ الداجِياتِ تَكاءَت
مِطالاً فَوافى عافِياً مُستَهامُهُ
6. As did this devastating king who owed his delegation
For the awe when hills rose, his pillars stood
٦. كَما دانَ هَذا الناسِرُ المَلِكُ وَفدَهُ
بِما هالَ إِذ تَرقى التِلالَ قِيامُهُ
7. He made his enemies' dwellings barren and enabled his loyalists
And he turned to them, his generosity and determination
٧. أَحالَ مُناويهِ وَأَنمى وَلِيَّهُ
وَدارَ عَلَيهِم جودَهُ وَاِعتَزامُهُ
8. So O hunter of the factions, your length harms them
Fight the heretic band, frustrate their scheme!
٨. فَيا صائِدَ الأَقماطِ طَولُكَ زَندُهُم
فَقاتِل فَريقَ الشِركِ يَخبُ اِضطِرامُهُ
9. Yours is the banner of praise, awake with vigilance
Gloating at enemies with no peer mid their slumber
٩. لَدَيكَ لِواءُ الحَمدِ واقٍ بِيَقظَةٍ
شِماتَ عِدىً لا مِثلَ لاوٍ مَنامُهُ
10. Your ransom! After the companions, is there a commander
Except you - lasting ideals his purpose?
١٠. فُديتَ فَهَل بَعدَ الصَحابَةِ آمِرٌ
سِواكَ اِزدِراعُ الباقِياتِ مَرامُهُ
11. One whose night is thought and sincere care
Culminates to revive the lasting nation
١١. وَمَن لَيلُهُ فِكرٌ وَصِدقُ عِنايَةٍ
تَناهى لِيُحيي أُمَّةُ مُستَدامُهُ
12. If Islam darkens, what radiates from you
Illuminated a sun melting its mass
١٢. فَإِن أَظلَمَ الإِسلامُ أَشرَقَ مِنكَ ما
أَجالَ بِهِ شَمساً فَذابَ اِرتِكامُهُ
13. So by sincerity, the devious one is driven to race
By obeying you, and the opening set loose its reins
١٣. فَبِالصِدقِ يَقادُ المُلوي مُسابِقاً
بِطاعَتِهِ وَالفَتحُ مُرخىً زَمامُهُ
14. None inherits kingdoms but my brother gone astray
Who poured a hand to empower blades over mankind
١٤. وَما وارِثُ الأَملاكِ غَيرُ أَخي وَغىً
أَفاضَ يَداً يَقوا الأَنامَ حُسامُهُ