
O Abu al-Muzaffar, you are the chosen one to guide

أبا المظفر أنت المجتبى لهدى

1. O Abu al-Muzaffar, you are the chosen one to guide
Another era with its events and experiences

١. أَبا المُظَفَّرِ أَنتَ المُجتَبى لِهُدى
أُخرى الزَمانِ عَلى خُبرٍ بِخَبرَتِهِ

2. If Omar had seen you attain the height
In the scarcity of hills, his weeping would have told his sadness

٢. فَلَو رَآكَ وَقَد حُزتَ العُلى عُمَرُ
في قِلَّةِ التَلِّ قَضى كُنَّهُ عَبرَتِهِ

3. If he had seen you while the people of Jerusalem were in turmoil
Abu Ubaydah would have ransomed them from their joy

٣. وَلَو رَآكَ وَأَهلُ القُدسِ في وَلَهٍ
أَبو عُبَيدَةَ فَدّى مِن مَسَرَّتِهِ

4. On the morning they cut off the heads in their shirts
And they wailed bitterly around his rock

٤. غَداةَ جَزّوا النَواصي في قِمامَتِهِ
وَأَعوَلوا بِالتَباكي حَولَ صَخرَتِهِ

5. The excellent faith has lasted so we are still
On the way of the Companions, continuing his nation

٥. دارَت المِلَّةُ الحُسنى فَنَحنُ عَلى
عَهدِ الصَحابَةِ ف اِستِمرارِ مِلَّتِهِ

6. And you are like your name, a truthful friend and his companion
The victorious King persevering in his integrity

٦. وَأَنتَ كَاِسمِكَ صِدّيقٌ وَصاحِبُهُ ال
مَلِكُ المُظَفَّرِ سامٍ في مَبرَتِهِ

7. And in the three, there is Othman who backs him
The superiority of Ali aiding his victory

٧. وَفي الثَلاثَةِ عُثمانٌ يُؤَيِّدُهُ
عُلا عَلِيٍّ عَلى إيثارِ نُصرَتِهِ

8. And how many close relatives have you who surpassed in nobility
And how far did the outcast see the friendship in his estrangement

٨. وَكَم لَدَيكَ ذَوو قُربى رَقوا شَرَفاً
وَكَم بَعيدٌ رَأى الزُلفى بِهِجرَتِهِ

9. The conquest between the heroes resembles the one the
King of the Franks seized amidst his family

٩. يُشبَهُ الفَتحَ ما بَينَ البُزاةِ لَقى
مَلِكُ الفِرِنجِ أَخيذاً بَينَ عَترَتِهِ

10. Have you not seen the glories of Yusuf which
Made every king with a realm bow in despair to him

١٠. أَما رَأَيتَ مَعالي يوسُفَ نَسَقَت
حَتّى رَمَت كُلَّ ذي مُلكٍ بِحَسرَتِهِ

11. His approach became to spread the guidance in the opening
And he spent the night folding injustice, closing its gaps

١١. أَضحى لِنَشرِ الهُدى في فَتحٍ مَنهَجُهُ
وَباتَ يَطوي العِدى في سَدِّ ثَغرَتِهِ

12. He disliked filth, protected by his integrity
So he opened Jerusalem, filled with his troops

١٢. وَاِستَقبَحَ الرِجسَ مِمنُوّاً بِمَشهَدِهِ
فَاِستَفتَحَ القُدسَ مَحشُوّاً بِزُمرَتِهِ

13. But the might of Salah al-Din horrified them
With the incident of Tell and the diffusion of his image

١٣. لَكِن بِأَسَ صَلاحُ الدينِ أَذهَلَهُم
بِوَقعَةِ التَلِّ وَاِستِشراءِ سَورَتِهِ

14. He senses the birds and the knights and he is still
At the beginning of vitality, evening like morning

١٤. يَعي الجَوارِحَ وَالفُراسانَ وَهوَ عَلى
بَدءِ النَشاطِ عَشِيّاً مِثلَ بَكرَتِهِ

15. O opener of al-Aqsa Mosque, may they be sacrificed for it
And defeat the army that cannot be counted with its leap

١٥. يا فاتَحِ المَسجِدَ الأَقصى عَلَيَّ بِهِم
وَقانِصَ الجَيشِ لا يُحصى بِقَفزَتِهِ

16. Receive good news of a reign like the emerging sun
Dawning on the horizon, a conqueror with its diffusion

١٦. أَبشِر بِمُلكٍ كَظُهرِ الشَمسِ مُطَلَّعٍ
عَلى البَسيطَةِ فَتّاحَ بِنَشرَتِهِ

17. Until this religion has an epic
That tells of prophecy in the days of its abandonment

١٧. حَتّى يَكونَ لِهَذا الدينُ مَلحَمَةً
تَحكي النُبُوَّةُ في أَيّامِ فَترَتِهِ