
O king who destroys his enemies with his sword

أيا ملكا أفنى العداة حسامه

1. O king who destroys his enemies with his sword
And pleases the virtuous with his smile

١. أيا ملكاً أفنى العداة حسامه
ومنتجعاً أقنى العفاة ابتسامه

2. Meeting you one day is happiness
So being with you often is like a hot bath

٢. لقاؤك يوماً في الزمان سعادةٌ
فكيف بثاوٍ في حماك حمامه

3. Your servant complains of his religion yet is thankful
For your voice that makes the clouds thunder

٣. وعبدك شاكٍ دينه وهو شاكرٌ
نداك الذي يغني الغمام غمامه

4. I have a horse that was struck by an arrow and startled
A three year old reddish horse with a saddle and reins

٤. ولي فرسٌ أصماه سهمٌ فردّه
أثافيّ ربعٍ بالثلاث قيامه

5. In it is a battlefield full of wounds
Its saddle and reins are disabled

٥. تعمر فيه بالجراحة ساحة
وعطّل منه سرجه ولجامه

6. We came for the virtues you taught us
That the hopeful can seek refuge and cure his love sickness

٦. أتينا لما عوّدتنا من مكارمٍ
يلوذ بها الراجي فيشفى غرامه

7. So have mercy on us, you are help that does not disappear for your allies
And your blessings are rain that does not cease to fall gently

٧. فرحماك غوثٌ لا يغيب نصيره
ونعماك غيثٌ لا يغبّ انسجامه