1. They are resolves, not eggs white and yellow,
With them the vigilants conquered the heights, or they protected them.
١. هِيَ العَزائِمُ لا بَيضٌ وَخَرصانُ
بِها اِستَباحَ العُلى الأَيقاظُ أَو صانوا
2. The king's claim, when resolve vouches for it,
Will bring about openings/conquests that manifest proofs among people.
٢. المَلِكُ دَعوى إِذا ما العَزمُ صَدَّقَها
أَتَت فُتوحٌ لَها في الخَلقِ بُرهانُ
3. So truthfulness in speech and deed is the foundation,
For everything important to people and building.
٣. فَالصِدقُ في القَولِ وَالأَفعالِ قاعِدَةً
لِكُلِّ أَمرٍ لَهُ في الناسِ بُنيانُ
4. O son of the one who purified the sacred house from
A people who worshipped idols and statues!
٤. يا اِبنَ الَّذي طَهَّرَ البَيتَ المُقَدَّسِ مِن
جيلٍ تَعبُدُهُم رَجسٌ وَأَوثانُ
5. You are the intended purifier of the two coasts together,
The Romans and the Persians hasten to obey you.
٥. أَنتَ المُرادُ لِطَهرِ الساحِلَينِ مَعاً
سارَعَ إِلَيهِ تُطِعكَ الرومُ وَاللانُ