1. The dew overflowed above wealth for Muslims,
And destroyed the enemies under spears and swords,
١. أَفاضَ النَدى فَوقَ الغِنى لِلمُسالِمِ
وَأَفنى العِدا تَحتَ القَنا وَالصَوارِمِ
2. The pillar of guidance, the mighty king, by whom
Virtues blossomed in branches of nobility,
٢. عِمادُ الهُدةى المَلِكُ العَزيزُ الَّذي بِهِ
نَمَت مُعظِماتٌ في فُروعِ المَكارِمِ
3. The pillar of guidance, the mighty King, son of the opener
Of the sacred, who destroyed the power of Franks,
٣. عَمادُ الهُدى المَلِكُ العَزيزُ بنُ فاتِحِ ال
مُقَدَّسِ وَالأَفرَنجِ أَدهى مَعاقِمِ
4. The dew overflowed above wealth for Muslims,
And wiped out those who bark like ferocious camels.
٤. أَفاضَ النَدى فَوقَ الغِنى لِلمُسالِمِ
وَأَفنى عَوادي مَن نَبا نَبوَ قاحِمِ