
Glory with angry swords to all opponents

سبا بالحسام العضب كل منازع

1. Glory with angry swords to all opponents
And brought the sea of generosity the elite of the roads

١. سَبا بِالحُسامِ العَضبِ كُلَّ مُنازِعٍ
وَأَورَدَ بَحرَ الجودِ صَفوَ المَشارِعِ

2. My heart left me aflame for its lights
A gazelle its passion in its proximity

٢. سَبا القَلبُ مِنّي موقِداً لِأَوارِهٍ
غَزالٌ ثَواهُ باغِياً في جِوارِهِ

3. Al-Dhahir's party conspired when they saw
The conduct of Mu'an the righteous in his need

٣. تَباشَرؤَ حِزبُ الظاهِرِ المَلِكِ إِذ رَأَوا
سُلوكَ مُعانٍ راشِدٍ في اِفتِقارِهِ

4. As was the habit of his father the conqueror of Jerusalem
The lords of idolatry surrounding its wall

٤. كَدَأَبِ أَبيهِ الفاتِحِ القُدسِ حَولَهُ
صَناديدُ شِركٍ وَهيَ حَشوُ جِدارِهِ

5. And he strove so disbelief was exposed when its people were
Expelled from the Levant far from their abode

٥. وَجَدَّ فَبانَ الكَفرُ إِذ بانَ أَهلُهُ
مِنَ الشامِ مَطروداً جَلا عَن قَرارِهِ