
In the unseen inner realm, thought cannot attain,

في باطن الغيب ما رلا تدرك الفكر

1. In the unseen inner realm, thought cannot attain,
So the insightful one considers events.

١. في باطِنِ الغَيبِ ما رلا تُدرِكُ الفِكَرُ
فَذو البَصيرَةِ في الأَحداثِ يَعتَبِرُ

2. Why do I see the king of the Franks in a cage?
Where are the galleys and the brave, brown knights?

٢. مالي أَرى مَلِكَ الإِفرِنجَ في قَفَصٍ
أَيَنَ القَواضِبُ وَالعَسّالَةُ السُمُرُ

3. And the cavalry to the sand dune, when they assemble
As if they were the barrier of Gog and Magog unleashed.

٣. وَالاِسبِتارُ إِلى الدَوِيَّةِ التَأَموا
كَأَنَّهُم سَدُّ يَأجوجٍ إِذا اِستَجَروا

4. And the soul is strangely infatuated with its conduct,
Yet in destiny lies that which will console the march.

٤. وَالنَفسُ مولَعَةٌ عَجباً بِسيرَتِها
وَفي المَقاديرِ ما تُسلى بِهِ السِيَرُ

5. O day of defeat, what wonders you have left behind,
Armies from which no human escaped.

٥. يا وَقعَةَ التَلِّ ما أَبقَيتِ مِن عَجَبٍ
جَحافِلٌ لَم يَفُت مِن جَمعِها بَشَرُ

6. O morn of Saturday, why did they become enraptured?
Did they convert to Judaism or were they drunk on the wine of stabbing?

٦. وَيا ضُحى السَبتِ ما لِلقَومِ قَد سَبَتوا
تَهَوَّدوا أَم بِكَأسِ الطَعنِ قَد سَكِروا

7. O tomb of Shu'ayb, why did they squat?
Like Midian, or did they experience a quake for their disbelief?

٧. وَيا ضَريحَ شُعَيبٍ ما لَهُم جَثَموا
كَمِديَنَ أَم لَقوا رَجفاً بِما كَفَروا

8. They crowned the King thinking him invincible,
Yet in an hour that king and his destiny vanished.

٨. حَطّوا بِحِطينَ مِلِكاً كافِياً عَجَباً
في ساعَةٍ زالَ ذاك المَلِكُ وَالقَدَرُ

9. Saladin swooped down on them like a predator,
The undefeated one, whose victory was made victory.

٩. أَهوى إِلَيهِم صَلاحُ الدينِ مُفتَرِساً
وَهوَ الغَضَنفَرُ عَدّى ظَفرَهُ الظَفَرُ

10. He dictated to them so they ended up in his palm,
Like a flock of birds gathered up by a hunting falcon.

١٠. أَملى عَلَيهِم فَصاروا وَسطَ كَفَّتِهِ
كَسِربِ طِيرٍ حَواها القانِصُ الذَكَرُ

11. And God fulfilled His promise to the Sultan,
Who devoted his religion to God through his vow.

١١. وَأَنجَزَ اللَهُ لِلسُلطانِ مَوعِدَهُ
وَنَذرَهُ في كَفورٍ دينَهُ البَطَرُ

12. And the King witnessed his own blood,
So he died alive, alive while apologizing.

١٢. وَعايَنَ المَلِكُ الإِبرِنسُ في دَمِهِ
فَماتَ حَيّاً وَحَيّاً وَهوَ يَعتَذِرُ

13. He saw a king whom the kings of earth follow,
With the stars and sun and moon in his service.

١٣. رَأى مَليكاً مُلوكُ الأَرضِ تَتبَعُهُ
وَالنَجمُ يَخدِمُهُ وَالشَمسُ وَالقَمَرُ

14. When he appears, the nobles are dazzled by his awe,
Yet he remains obscure while renowned in minds.

١٤. إِذا بَدا تَبهَرُ الأَعيانُ هَيبَتَهُ
وَيَختَفي وَهوَ في الأَذهانِ مُشتَهَرُ

15. The generation has advanced in the latter days through him
Above the glorious elite of those before us.

١٥. تَقَدَّمَ الجيلَ في أُخرى الزَمانِ بِهِ
عَلى صُدورِ عُلا مَن قَبلَنا صَدَروا

16. Have you not seen the conquests of al-Quds at
The fringes of Lubya, gloriously, in the days of 'Umar?

١٦. أَما رَأَيتُم فُتوحَ القادِسِيَّةِ في
أَكنافِ لوبِيَّةٍ تُجلى وَذا عُمَرُ

17. The truth holds a wedding feast while tyranny grieves,
Disbelief is erased and faith blossoms.

١٧. وَالحَقُّ يَعرُسُ وَالطُغيانُ مُنتَحِبُ
وَالكَفرُ يَطمِسُ وَالإيمانُ مُزدَهِرُ

18. This is the king about whom the Prophet gave good tidings
That he would gain victory for Islam in the strife of wrongdoing.

١٨. هَذا المَليكُ الَّذي بُشرى النَبِيِّ بِهِ
في فِتنَةِ البَغيِ لِلإِسلامِ يَنتَصِرُ

19. Forget the exploits of Dhu al-Qarnayn? Though renowned,
The storytellers conceded he had no trace.

١٩. أَنسى مَلاحِمَ ذي القَرنَينِ وَاِعتَرَفَت
لَهُ الرُواةُ بِما لَم يُنمِهِ أَثَرُ

20. The aid of al-Khidr assisted Alexander despite his might—
Al-Khidr is helped by none but God.

٢٠. أُعينُ إِسكَندَرَ بِالخَضرِ وَهَولِهِ
عَونٌ مِنَ اللَهِ يَستَغني بِهِ الخَضَرُ

21. The work of the Lord of the Throne is pure creation without cause.
So do not say "How did this grave event occur?"

٢١. وَصُنعُ ذي العَرشِ إِبداعٌ بِلا سَبَبٍ
فَلا تَقُل كَيفَ هَذا الحادِثُ الخَطِرُ

22. While his female captives were being paraded in Damascus,
The king of the Franks ruled alongside the Turks in bondage.

٢٢. بَينا سَباياهُ تُجلى في دِمَشقَ إِذا
مَلَكَ الفِرِنجَ مَعَ الأَتراكَ مُحتَجِرُ

23. Facing him, the chieftains of both coasts together,
Bound in shackles of subjugation, now captive.

٢٣. إِزاءَهُ زُعماءُ الساحِلَينِ مَعاً
مَصفَدَينِ بِحَبلِ القَهرِ قَد أُسِروا

24. Behind them, the Patriarch being led in humiliation,
Surrounded by every priest carrying his Gospel.

٢٤. يَتلوهُم صَلبوتٌ سيقَ مُنتَكِساً
وَحَولَهُ كُلُّ قَسيسٍ لَهُ زُبُرُ

25. While we were a bird whose good tidings were
The conquest of Acre which blocked the mountain pass.

٢٥. وَنَحنُ في ذا وَذا طَيرٌ صَحيفَتُهُ
بِفَتحِ عَكا الَّتي سَدَّت بِها الثَغرُ

26. Our fleets set out to raid Sicily,
So the Byzantines, Sicilians and Khazars fled in panic.

٢٦. تَغزو أَساطيلُنا مِنها صَقيلَةً
فَتَذعَرَ الرومُ وَالصِقلابَ وَالخَزَرُ

27. Who would say Jerusalem is likely to be conquered by you?
Nay, the journey of Jacob is the one to undertake.

٢٧. مَن ذا يَقولُ لَعَلَّ القُدسُ مُنفَتِحٌ
إِلَيكَ بَلِ سَفرُ يَعقوبَ لَهُ السَفَرُ

28. Abu al-Muzaffar intends it, so take our ships
From Acre's gate to spread out to Tarsus.

٢٨. أَبو المُظَفَّرِ يَنويها فَخُذ سُفُناً
مِن بابِ عَكّا إِلى طَرطوسَ تَنتَشِرُ

29. He captures Franks from their far-flung lands.
He has wars with the Magians which his blaze ignited.

٢٩. يَسبي فِرِنجَةَ مِن أَقطارِها وَلَهُ
مِعَ المَجوسِ حُروبٌ قَدَحُها سُعُرُ

30. Some of his sons lament in Jerusalem
While others Rome the Great is his target.

٣٠. وَبَعضُ أَبنائِهِ بِالقُدسِ مُنتَدِبٌ
وَبَعضُها رومَةُ الكُبرى لَهُ وَطَرُ

31. With a banner that rends the vast earth
In a mass that tells bodies, "No burden!"

٣١. بِرايَةٍ تَخرَقُ الأَرضَ الكَبيرَةَ في
جَمعٍ تَقولُ لَهُ الأَجسامُ لا وَزَرُ

32. They said, "You have prolonged the praise." I said, "As
It appeared, for pouring for the beloved is habitual."

٣٢. قالوا أَطَلتَ مَديحاً قُلتُ كَما
بَدا فَالصُبُّ لِلمَحبوبِ مُدَّكِرُ