
The people have changed, oh my mother, and it has become difficult for us

تغير الناس يا أمي وضاق بنا

1. The people have changed, oh my mother, and it has become difficult for us
A heart in the straitness of our world we have supplied to it

١. تغيّر الناسُ يا أمّي وضاقَ بِنا
 قلبٌ على ضيقِ دنيانا رفدناهُ

2. What has changed, oh mother, that the most precious messages
From a heart we had connected to it were cut off

٢. ماذا تبدّلَ يا أمّاه فانقطعَتْ
أغلى الرسائلِ من قلبٍ وصلنَاهُ

3. Have the people changed?! Or does the feeling of strangeness in us make us feel estranged?!
The feeling of a heart along with memory we have brought it closer

٣. تغيّر النّاسُ ؟!  أم عنّا يغرّبُنا ؟!
شعور قلبٍ معَ الذكرى وأَدناهُ