1. A swollen torrent cloaked in heavy mist,
A neck walking fettered with iron chains,
١. مُستَفحَلٌ يَستَورِهُ الهِياخا
اَرقَبُ يَمشى مُكبَلاً مَيّاخا
2. You see upon it skin like armor,
A camel that does not complain of branding.
٢. تَرَى عَلَيهِ جِلداً جَنباخا
نَطَّاحَة لا يَشتَكِي الصِّماخا
3. When seditions clash and roar,
Their cowardice scatters them like frightened ostriches.
٣. اذا تَداعَى الفِتَنُ انتِجاخا
فَرَقَ اِرجافَهُمُ النَّجّاخا
4. If he butts the she-camel, the saddle-maker,
You would think, from his vigor, a blacksmith.
٤. لَو يَنطَحُ العادِيَةَ الفِرضاخا
حَسَبتَها مِن شَِّجِهِ القَلاّخا
5. A young female hyena, bleating as she walks,
You see in Mus'ab a perfect cloak.
٥. حَنظَلَةً تَنفَضِحُ انفِضاخا
عَن مُصعَبٍ تَرَى لَهُ اِكماخا
6. A she-camel, and a stud trained for war,
You see no giving way in our affair,
٦. عادِيَةً وَمِرجَماً جَمّاخا
فَلا تَرَى فى اَمرِنا انفِساخا
7. Nor any slackness in the bonds of Truth.
٧. عَن عُقَدِ الحَقِّ وَلا امتِداخا