1. What ails an eye whose passion makes it weep
For a home whose glories time has buried deep,
١. ما بالُ عَينٍ شَوقُها استَبكاها
في رَمسِ دارٍ لَبِسَت بِلاها
2. Where windswept sands have blotted every mark
That linked those desolate ruins to its past,
٢. طامِسَةِ الأعلامِ قَد مَحاها
تَقادُم مِن عَهدِها أَبلاها
3. And gales still follow, wildly in their sweep,
Chasing each trace that lingers to the last?
٣. وَعاصِف يَتبَعُها ذَيلاها
تَستَنُّ بِالجَولانِ مِن حَصاها
4. There the oryx walks never knowing fear,
Roaming free in wastelands bleak and bare
٤. وَكُلُّ رَجَافٍ إِذا سَقاها
بِدِيَمٍ مَع رَهِمٍ وَلاها
5. While nimble hunters watch with bows bent back
And arrows fixed to strike the prey they track.
٥. وَالقانِصُ العِجلىُّ قَد رَآها
وَسَدَّدَ النَّبلَ الَّتِي سَواها
6. A hunter aimed at a charging oryx wild
And loosed a shaft too feeble to hold fast.
٦. يَسَّرَ سَهماً كانَ في أُولاها
ثُمَّ جَثَى لِرَميَةٍ رَماها
7. It glanced aside, and cutting through his hand
Left his fingers bathed in blood as it passed.
٧. اهوَى بِسَهمٍ خائِبٍ اَشواها
فَعَضَّ بِالكَفِّ وَقَد دَمَاها
8. Sullenly he bound his bleeding grip
While the antelope fled on with streaming mane.
٨. وَاَجفَلَت مُضطَمِراً قُطراها
وَبَلدَةٍ خاشِعَةٍ صُواها
9. Only this abandoned site and lonely plain
Echo now where builders raised walls high.
٩. هَيماءَ مَرهُوبٍ بِها سُراها
يُجاوِبُ البُومُ بِها صَداها
10. Sounding oft his desolate refrain.
Tamim's glory lit the past now dead
١٠. قَطَعتُها بِمٍِقذَفٍ ساماها
اِنَّ تَمِيماً خَيَّسَت عِداها
11. Woe to those who break faith or oppose instead!
From her sires it won fame that still remains
١١. وَيلٌ لِمَن حارَبَ اَو عاداها
وَوَرِثَت عِزَّتَهُ اَباها
12. When her fierce horsemen charged with lance and sword.
Loath, we meet where once her warriors massed,
١٢. اِذا مَعَدُّ زَخَرَت قُدناها
كُرهاً اِذا ما اجتَمَعَت عُتاها
13. And our might is gone, our name disgraced.
But for fear of shame, reproachful words,
١٣. نُذِلُّ في النَّاسِ عَشَوزَناها
وَاللَّهِ لَولا اَن يُقالَ شاها
14. Or lest others pray bad luck may fall,
Or a lord denounce us, we would never bend
١٤. وَرَهبَةَ النّارِ بِاَن نَصلاها
اَو يَدعُوَ النَّاسُ عَلَينا اللاّها
15. To meet where hostile hordes their ranks extend.
War we do not dread nor feel alarm
١٥. لَمَا عَرَفنا لاَمِيرٍ قاها
ما خَطَرَت سَعدٌ عَلَى قَناها
16. When we bare our blades and brandish arms.
We whose lineage springs from Khandif's loins
١٦. لا نَتَّقِي الحَربَ وَلا نَخشاها
نَضرِبُ بِالبِيضِ اِذا نَعصاها
17. Were exalted to glory's highest plane.
First we were renowned for generous deeds.
١٧. وَنَحنُ مِن خِندِفَ فى ذُراها
سَما بِنا المَجدُ اِلى عُلاها
١٨. نسبق بالخيرات في مداها