
I see you, yet your eyes do not see me


1. I see you, yet your eyes do not see me
Though you and I are horses racing

١. أراكَ فما لعينكَ لا تراني
وأنتَ وصَبوتي فَرَسا رِهانِ

2. I set my ropes for you, and they turned to
Love, while you remained loose-reined

٢. نصبتُ حِبالتي لَكَ فاستحالتْ
حُبىً وبقيتَ منطلقَ العِنانِ

3. And I have great ambition above passion
So who distracted you from me, and who distracted me?

٣. ولي فوق السُّها عزمٌ طموحٌ
فمن عني ثناكَ ومن ثناني

4. The time of impossibilities has passed, so do not wish
For your valley has belied hopes

٤. مضى زمنُ المحال فلا تمنٍّ
فقد كَذَبَتْ بواديكَ الأماني

5. And here I am, losing my life in love of you
Drawing near in hopes of closeness

٥. وها أنا في هواكَ أضعتُ عمري
مُقاربةً على أملِ التداني

6. However much a union distracts or preoccupies
My hours for you are but moments

٦. ومهما عنَّ وصلٌ عنَّ شأنٌ
لكم عني فساعاتي ثوانِ

7. And were it not for tender love in necks
I would possess you by oath and faith

٧. ولولا الحُبُّ في الأعناق رِقٌّ
مَلَكْتُكَ باليمين وباليماني

8. And if above the reins you sought refuge
I would rend the veils of the reins from you

٨. ولو فوقَ العنان تَخِذْتَ مثوىً
هتكتُ عليكَ أغشية العَنانِ

9. I called poetry in you, and it did not disobey me
And yielded its lead after defiance

٩. دعوتُ الشِّعرَ فيكَ فما عصاني
ولانَ قيادُهُ بعد الحِرانِ

10. Its Gabriel came and confided inspiration
To me, as if a return of ecstasy

١٠. أتى جبريلُهُ وأَسَرَّ وحياً
إليَّ كأنه رَجْعُ المثاني