
A youth's tunic was the dusk

وعشية كانت قنيصة فتية

1. A youth's tunic was the dusk
Of elders made most courteous through true breeding.

١. وَعَشيَةٍ كانَت قنيصةَ فَتيَةٍ
أُلفوا مِن الأَدب الصَريح شُيوخا

2. As though for her they had erected
From bowing to falling, posts to prop her up.

٢. فَكَأَنَّها العَنقاءُ قَد نَصَبوا لَها
مِن الإِنحِناءِ إِلى الوُقوع فُخوخا

3. Their fine manners enveloped them, and they pulled
The secret of joy, conversing and whispering.

٣. شَمَلتَهُمُ آدابُهُم فَتَجاذَبوا
سرَّ السُرور محدّثاً وَمُصيخا

4. And the leaves recited the surah of rapture
That makes you forget the abrogating and abrogated verses.

٤. وَالوُرقُ تَقرأُ سورةَ الطَرَبِ الَّتي
يُنسيكَ مِنها ناسِخٌ مَنسوخا

5. The river, an orange blossom had aspired to it
So she turned to face whoever in it was bent over.

٥. وَالنَهرُ قَد طمحَت بِهِ نارنجَةٌ
فَتَيمَّمَت مَن كانَ فيهِ مُنيخا

6. You would think them, amid the sky, planets
That had joined with Mars in its rising.

٦. فَتَخالُهُم خَلَلَ السَماءِ كَواكِباً
قَد قارَنَت بِسُعُودِها المَرّيخا

7. Their day broke through customs of joy.
So I made my verses a chronicle of it.

٧. خَرَقَ العَوائدَ في السُرورِ نَهارُهُم
فَجَعَلتُ أَبياتي لَها تاريخا