
You have surpassed the son of Salem in nobility

لقد فقت ابن سالم البرايا

1. You have surpassed the son of Salem in nobility
With what you have been endowed of sublime fate

١. لَقَد فُقتَ اِبنَ سالِمٍ البَرايا
بِما خُوِّلتَ مِن قَدَرٍ رَفيعِ

2. You have excelled, so you became the delight of all eyes
As if you were created from pure gold

٢. حَسُنتَ فَكُنتَ لَذّةَ كُلّ عَينٍ
كَأَنَّكَ قَد خُلِقتَ مِن الهُجوعِ