
Wind along the rugged slope of the sandy hill,

عرج بمنعرج الكثيب الأعفر

1. Wind along the rugged slope of the sandy hill,
Between Euphrates and the bank of al-Kawthar.

١. عرِّج بِمُنعَرَجِ الكَثيبِ الأَعفَرِ
بَينَ الفُراتِ وَبَينَ شَطِّ الكَوثَرِ

2. Let us share there a golden coffee,
From my palm the cups overflow.

٢. وَلتغتبِقها قَهوَةً ذَهَبيّةً
مِن راحَتي أَحوى المَراشفِ أَحوَر

3. In the evening, how I would wait for its time,
The days allowed it after hindrance.

٣. وَعَشيةٍ كَم كُنت أَرقب وَقتَها
سَمحت بِها الأَيّامُ بَعدَ تَعذُّرِ

4. Through it we attained our hopes in a garden,
Whose breeze gives delight to its inhabitant.

٤. نِلنا بِها آمالنا في رَوضَةٍ
تَهدي لِناشقِها نَسيمَ العَنبَرِ

5. And time in regret made its opinion foolish,
Regarding what passed of it without discontent.

٥. وَالدَهرُ مِن نَدَمٍ يَسفّهُ رَأيه
في ما مَضى مِنهُ بِغَير تكدُّرِ

6. The leaves chant and the boughs bend,
While the sun frolics in a yellow shirt.

٦. وَالوُرقُ تَشدو وَالأَراكة تَنثَني
وَالشَمسُ ترفُلُ في قَميصٍ أَصفَرِ

7. The garden amid the gilded and the brocaded,
The flowers amid the gilt and the embroidered.

٧. وَالرَوضُ بَينَ مَذهَّبٍ وَمُفَضَّضٍ
وَالزَهرُ بَينَ مَدَرهَمٍ وَمُدَنَّرِ

8. The inscribed, abundant river,
With bouquets of its flowers and yellow blossoms.

٨. وَالنَهرُ مَرقومُ الأَباطح وَالرُبى
بِمُصَندَلٍ مِن زَهرِهِ وَمُعَصفَرِ

9. As if it - and the green of its bank -
A sword unsheathed over a green rug.

٩. وَكَأَنَّهُ وَكَأَنَّ خُضرَةَ شَطِّهِ
سَيفٌ يُسَلُّ عَلى بِساطٍ أَخضَرِ

10. As if that foam of it,
Is pearls, however much it stirs on its surface.

١٠. وَكَأَنَّما ذاكَ الحَبابُ فِرِندُهُ
مَهما طَفا في صَفحِهِ كَالجَوهَرِ

11. As if its sides adorned,
With myrtle and eglantine, a rosy cheek.

١١. وَكَأَنَّهُ وَجِهاتُهُ مَحفوفَةٌ
بِالآسِ وَالنُعمانِ خَدّ مُعَذِرِ

12. A river the beauty of which impassions whoever is not impassioned,
And inspires poetry in whoever is uninspired.

١٢. نَهرٌ يَهيمُ بِحُسنِهِ مَن لَم يَهِم
وَيُجيد فيهِ الشِعرَ مَن لَم يَشعُرِ

13. The face of the sun at its setting did not yellow,
Except for parting from the beauty of that scene.

١٣. ما اصفَرَّ وَجهُ الشَمسِ عِندَ غُروبِها
إِلذا لِفُرقَةِ حُسنِ ذاكَ المَنظَرِ