1. The rainclouds watered the valley's lotus tree,
Though the nights have altered it with calamities.
١. سَقى سَدرةَ الوادي السحابُ الغَوائِثُ
وَإِن غَيَّرَت مِنهُ اللَيالي العَوائِثُ
2. My excuse - hopes whose aims have failed,
While the wicked reaped abundant fortune from them.
٢. عَذيري مِن الآمالِ خابَت قُصودُها
وَنالَت جَزيلَ الحَظّ مِنها الأَخابِثُ
3. And they said, "We were remembered with wealth," so I answered them
Sluggishly, for mention with miserliness is not lasting.
٣. وَقالوا ذُكِرنا بِالغِنى فَأَجَبتَهُمُ
خُمولاً وَما ذِكرٌ معَ البُخلِ ماكِثُ
4. It is easy for us if our possessions perish,
As long as the honorable virtues remain for us.
٤. يَهون عَلينا أَن يبيد أَثاثُنا
وَتَبقى عَلَينا المُكرَماتُ الأَثائِثُ
5. And no harm befell a good origin by lack of wealth,
When the accidents of time did not change it.
٥. وَما ضَرَّ أَصلاً طَيّباً عدمُ الغِنى
إِذ لَم يُغيّرهُ مِن الدَهر حادِثُ
6. Does Safwan ibn Idris think that I
Remain steadfast to the covenant of affection?
٦. وَهَل عِندَ صَفوان بِن إِدريس أَنَّني
مُقيمٌ عَلى عَهدِ المَوّدَةِ ماكِثُ
7. And if I had addressed the context of his speech,
Love's engagements would turn away from disasters.
٧. وَإِن كُنتُ قَد خاطَبتُ فَصل خِطابِهِ
فَعاقَت عَن الوّد الخَطوبُ الكَوارِثُ