
The dog was raised then humbled

رفع الكلب فاتضع

1. The dog was raised then humbled
No pretense is found in a dog

١. رُفِعَ الكَلبُ فَاِتَّضَع
لَيسَ في الكَلبِ مُصطَنَع

2. It reached the ultimate goal
Below which everything elevated falls

٢. بَلَغَ الغايَةَ الَّتي
دونَها كُلُّ مُرتَفَع

3. The shortcoming of everything
When it flies is that it will fall

٣. إِنَّما قَصرُ كُلِّ شَي
ءٍ إِذا طارَ أَن يَقَع

4. Say to Yahya ibn Aktham
What you feared has happened

٤. قُل لِيِحيى اِبنِ أَكثَمِ
إِنَّ ما خِفتَ قَد وَقَع

5. May God curse any pride
That turns into submission afterwards

٥. لَعَنَ اللَهُ نَخوَةً
صارَ مِن بَعدِها ضَرَع