
The foremost of affairs tending to ruin and corruption

أولى الأمور بضيعة وفساد

1. The foremost of affairs tending to ruin and corruption
Is a matter directed by Abu 'Abbas.

١. أَولى الأُمورِ بِضَيعَةٍ وَفَسادِ
أَمرٌ يُدَبِّرهُ أَبو عَبّادِ

2. With holes in his gown, his courtiers are as though
They came for a battle and day of flogging.

٢. خَرِقٌ عَلى جُلَسائِهِ فَكَأَنَّهُم
حَضَروا لِمَلحَمَةٍ وَيَومِ جِلادِ

3. They assault his writers with their pens
So one is smeared and stained with ink.

٣. يَسطو عَلى كُتّابِهِ بِدَواتِهِ
فَمُرَمَّل وَمُضَمَّخٌ بِمِدادِ

4. As though he escaped from the monastery of Mar Hizqil,
A frenzied monk dragging chains and shackles.

٤. فَكَأَنَّهُ مِن دَيرِ هِزقِلَ مُفلِتٌ
حَرِدٌ يَجُرُّ سَلاسِلَ الأَقيادِ

5. So tighten, O Commander of the Faithful, his bonds,
For he is more fitting than him for the remainder of blacksmiths.

٥. فَاِشدُد أَميرَ المُؤمِنينَ وِثاقَهُ
فَأَصَحُّ مِنهُ بَقِيَّةَ الحَدّادِ