1. Family of the Messenger, lamps of guidance, not people of misguidance, masters of deviations
God has sent down surahs praising them, extolling them with verses
١. آلِ الرَسولِ مَصابيحِ الهِدايَةِ لا
أَهلِ الغَوايَةِ أَربابِ الضَلالاتِ
2. Among them Abu al-Hasan the cupbearer of firmness a draught
Not of wine but of staunchness with a sword not cups
٢. قَد أَنزَلَ اللَهُ في إِطرائِهِم سُوَراً
تُثني عَلَيهِم وَثَنّاها بِآياتِ
3. If he turned back in the army, the army retreated vanquished from him
Bodies stumbling over their robes
٣. مِنهُم أَبو الحَسَنِ الساقي العِدا جُرَعاً
مِنَ الرَدى بِحُسامٍ لا بِكاساتِ
4. Son-in-law of the Messenger married to Fatima, he is over
The heavens, Ali betrothed her
٤. إِن كَرَّ في الجَيشِ فَرَّ الجَيشُ مُنهَزِماً
عَنهُ فَتَعثُرُ أَبدانٌ بِهاماتِ
5. She then produced the best of people after them
The two martyred masters of creatures
٥. صِهرُ الرَسولِ عَلى الزَهراءِ زَوَّجَهُ ال
لَهُ العَلِيُّ بِها فَوقَ السَمَواتِ
6. When Mu'awiyah poisoned Hasan or
Yazid attacked Husayn committing raids
٦. فَأَثمَرَت خَيرَ أَهلِ الأَرضِ بَعدَهُما
أَعني الشَهيدَينِ ساداتِ البَرِيّاتِ
7. Therefore from among those who rebelled in the darkness of their mother
Until, enraged at the injustice, she passed away
٧. إِذا سَقى حَسَناً سُمّاً مُعَيَّةُ أَو
عَلى حُسَينٍ يَزيدٌ شَنَّ غاراتِ
8. And he forced their elder to swear allegiance against his will
To one whose allegiance he had taken in the shade of walls
٨. لَذاكَ مِمَّن بَدا في ظُلمِ أُمِّهِما
حَتّى قَضَت غَضَباً مِن ظُلمِها العاتي
9. A darkness that did not cease chasing them
Neither turning away from nor forgiving past perpetrators
٩. وَقادَ شَيخَهُما قَسراً لِبَيعَةِ مَن
قَد كانَ بايَعَهُ في ظِلِّ دَوحاتِ
10. O Lord, increase my guidance in loving them
And heal my heart from the misguided people
١٠. ظُلامَةٌ لَم تَزَل تُستَنُّ إِثرَهُمُ
لَم تُثنَ عَن سالِفٍ مِنهُم وَلا آتِ
١١. يا رَبِّ زِدني رُشداً في مَحَبَّتِهِم
وَاِشفِ فُؤادِيَ مِن أَهلِ الضَلالاتِ