1. Abu Nusayr, you have strayed from our circles
For in you there is something lacking for whoever befriends you
١. أَبا نُصَيرٍ تَحَلحَل عَن مَجالِسِنا
فَاِنَّ فيكَ لِمَن جاراكَ مُنتَقَصا
2. You are a donkey, gently moving if you walk with him
And if you head towards his needs, a shirt too short
٢. أَنتَ الحِمارُ حَروناً إِن رَفَقتَ بِهِ
وَإِن قَصَدتَ إِلى مَعروفِهِ قَمَصا
3. I have shaken you, not to insult you for trying
If you were a sword but I have shaken a stick
٣. إِنّي هَزَزتُكَ لا آلوكَ مُجتَهِداً
لَو كُنتَ سَيفاً وَلَكِنّي هَزَزتُ عَصا