
And when you dream, give your dream its essence

وإذا حلمت فأعط حلمك كنهه

1. And when you dream, give your dream its essence
Ripening slowly; and when you intend, bring to fruition

١. وَإِذا حَلُمتَ فَأَعطِ حِلمَكَ كُنهَهُ
مُستَأنِياً وَإِذا كَوَيتَ فَأَنضِجِ

2. And when you seek entry into something, first seek
The way out, the exit before the entrance

٢. وَإِذا اِلتَمَستَ دُخولَ أَمرٍ فَاِلتَمَس
مِن قَبلِ مَدخَلِهِ سَبيلَ المَخرَجِ