
Had I been afflicted by a Hashimite

فلو أني بليت بهاشمي

1. Had I been afflicted by a Hashimite
His meanness, the sons of Abd al-Madan,

١. فَلَو أَنّي بُليتُ بِهاشِمِيٍّ
خُؤولَتُهُ بَنو عَبدِ المَدانِ

2. I would have been patient with his enmity, but
Come and see whom I have been afflicted with!

٢. صَبَرتُ عَلى عَداوَتِهِ وَلَكِن
تَعالَي فَاِنظُري بِمَن اِبتَلاني