
When their horses are adorned with fine trappings

إذا ما اغتدوا في روعة من خيولهم

1. When their horses are adorned with fine trappings
And their clothes are resplendent, say not "The lightning flashes false!"

١. إِذا ما اِغتَدوا في رَوعَةٍ مِن خُيولِهِم
وَأَثوابِهِم قُلتَ البُروقُ الكَواذِبُ

2. Though they don Arab dress and robes of honor,
Grief at their going is grief laid on you.

٢. وَإِن لَبِسوا دُكنَ الخُزوزِ وَخُضرَها
وَراحوا فَقَد راحَت عَلَيكَ المَشاجِبُ