
Do not give your affection except to the trustworthy

ولا تعط ودك غير الثقات

1. Do not give your affection except to the trustworthy
Nor the chalice of friendship save to the judicious

١. وَلا تُعطِ وُدَّكَ غَيرَ الثِقاتِ
وَصَفوِ المَوَدَّةِ إِلّا لَبيبا

2. If a young man be endowed with dignity
His bosom friends take him as their physician

٢. إِذا ما الفَتى كانَ ذا مُسكَةٍ
فَإِنَّ لِحالَيهِ مِنهُ طَبيبا

3. A portion of affection is essentially fraternity
And a portion of enmity that you may reprove

٣. فَبَعضَ المَوَدَّةِ عِندَ الاِخاءِ
وَبَعضَ العَداوَةِ كَي تَستَنيبا

4. Verily, he who loves becomes the hated one
And verily, the hated one becomes the beloved

٤. فَاِنَّ المُحِبَّ يَكونُ البَغيضَ
وَإِنَّ البَغيضَ يَكونُ الحَبيبا