
God knows and the days go round

الله يعلم والأيام دائرة

1. God knows and the days go round
And man is between shying and easing forward

١. اللَهُ يَعلَمُ وَالأَيّامُ دائِرَةٌ
وَالمَرءُ ما بَينَ إيحاشٍ وَإِيناسِ

2. Verily I love you with a love that if
It were embodied, the tall towering mountain would crumble

٢. أَنّي أُحِبُّكِ حُبّاً لَو تَضَمَّنَهُ
سَلمى سُمِيُّكِ دُكَّ الشاهِقُ الراسي

3. A love that has penetrated my entrails and commingled
Like the commingling of water and milk in a cup

٣. حُبّاً تَلَبَّسَ بِالأَحشاءِ فَاِمتَزَجا
تَمازُجَ الماءِ بِالصَهباءِ في الكَأسِ