
Dibbil prepared for the day he meets Allah

أعد لله يوم يلقاه

1. Dibbil prepared for the day he meets Allah
Saying there is no god but Him

١. أَعَدَّ لِلَّهِ يَومَ يَلقاهُ
دِعبِلٌ أَن لا إِلَهَ إِلّا هو

2. He says it sincerely, may it make
Allah have mercy on him on Judgement Day

٢. يَقولُها مُخلِصاً عَساهُ بِها
يَرحَمُهُ في القِيامَةِ اللَهُ

3. Allah is his Master, and the Messenger
After them, the successor is his master

٣. اللَهُ مَولاهُ وَالرَسولُ وَمِن
بَعدِهِما فَالوَصِيُّ مَولاهُ

4. And Fatima, daughter of the Prophet, and two sons
From Al-Murtada, and his two grandsons

٤. وَفاطِمٌ بَضعَةُ النَبِيِّ وَنَجلا
ها مِنَ المُرتَضى وَسِبطاهُ

5. The Five People of the Cloak, for whom Adam called Allah
To forgive his sin, and He was pleased

٥. خَمسَةُ رَهطٍ دَعا الاِلَهَ بِهِم
آدَمُ مِن ذَنبِهِ فَأَرضاهُ