1. O stranger grave, place of rest
With a lofty structure upon you are lean maidens
١. أَلا أَيُّها القَبرُ الغَريبُ مَحَلُّهُ
بِطوسٍ عَلَيكَ السارِياتُ هُتونُ
2. In you lies knowledge and piety, in you lies wisdom and protection
In you lies religion and life while you are a guardian
٢. بِكَ العِلمُ وَالتَقوى بِكَ الحِلمُ وَالحِجى
بِكَ الدينُ وَالدُنيا وَأَنتَ ضَمينُ
3. Death befell the best of prophets so he ascended
But I have doubts about what has befallen you
٣. جَرى المَوتُ في خَيرِ النَبِيّينَ فَاِرتَقى
وَلَكِنَّني فيما دَهاكَ ظَنينُ
4. And before, from Moses how many a sign appeared
Yet he suffered poison and was a captive
٤. وَمِن قَبلُ موسى كَم بَدَت مِنهُ آيَةٌ
فَأَمسى يُعاني السُمَّ وَهوَ سَجينُ
5. So oh you two victims of betrayal, you were given
Poison and unseen cunning appears
٥. فَيا لَقَتيلَي غَدرَةٍ قَد سُقيتُما
بِها السُمَّ وَالمَكرُ الخَفِيُّ يَبينُ
6. I will cry for you both forever and curse the betrayer
And whoever suggested it with grieving discourse
٦. سَأَبكيكُما عُمري وَأَلعَنُ غادِراً
وَمَن كانَ أَوحى وَالحَديثُ شُجونُ