
He has cooks and bread

وإن له لطباخا وخبزا

1. He has cooks and bread,
All kinds of fruit and drink,

١. وَإِنَّ لَهُ لَطَبّاخاً وَخُبزاً
وَأَنواعَ الفَواكِهِ وَالشَرابِ

2. But around him are prisons and beatings,
Doors bolted shut but one,

٢. وَلَكِن دونَهُ حَبسٌ وَضَربٌ
وَأَبوابٌ تُطابَقُ دونَ بابِ

3. They keep the flies away and let him be,
Like angels in their wrath.

٣. يَذودونَ الذُبابَ يَمُرُّ عَنهُ
كَأَمثالِ المَلائِكَةِ الغِضابِ