
Abu Nasir, you have departed from our gatherings

أبا نصير تحلحل عن مجالسنا

1. Abu Nasir, you have departed from our gatherings
For indeed, for whoever lives near you, there is loss

١. أَبا نُصَيرٍ تَحَلحَل عَن مَجالِسِنا
فَاِنَّ فيكَ لِمَن جاراكَ مُنتَقَصا

2. You are a donkey, obnoxious if you are harsh with him
And if you intend good for him, it is inadequate

٢. أَنتَ الحِمارُ حَروناً إِن رَفَقتَ بِهِ
وَإِن قَصَدتَ إِلى مَعروفِهِ قَمَصا

3. I have indeed shaken you, not because you strive diligently
If you were a sword, but I have shaken a stick

٣. إِنّي هَزَزتُكَ لا آلوكَ مُجتَهِداً
لَو كُنتَ سَيفاً وَلَكِنّي هَزَزتُ عَصا