1. The son of Musa has passed with virtues sublime,
And knowledge most noble marched in his time.
١. لَقَد رَحَلَ اِبنُ موسى بِالمَعالي
وَسارَ بِسَيرِهِ العِلمُ الشَريفُ
2. Guidance and faith followed steadfast his way,
As clinging vines 'round a straight tree entwine.
٢. وَتابَعَهُ الهُدى وَالدينُ كُلّاً
كَما يَتَتَبَّعُ الاِلفَ الأَليفُ
3. O caravan of dew, return light of load!
No intricate carvings adorn your abode.
٣. فَيا وَفدَ النَدى عودوا خِفافَ ال
حَقائِبِ لا تَليدَ وَلا طَريفُ
4. We hoped he would live to lead in the right,
A sage Imam of wisdom untold.
٤. وَقَد كُنّا نُؤَمِّلُ أَن سَيَحيا
إِمامَ هُدىً لَهُ رَأيٌ حَصيفُ
5. In calmness he dwells, yet his stillness conceals
A mind ever thoughtful, alert and acute.
٥. تَرى سَكَناتِهِ فَتَقولُ غِرٌّ
وَتَحتَ سُكونِهِ رَأيٌ ثَقيفُ
6. Each morn boats set sail with gifts for his door,
While standards encircle his abode.
٦. لَهُ سَمحاءُ تَغدو كُلَّ يَومٍ
بِنائِلِهِ وَسارِيَةٌ تَطوفُ
7. But Fate stilled the winds that fanned his great name,
Though once they blew swirling, strong and profuse.
٧. فَأَهدَأَ ريحَهُ قَدَرُ المَنايا
وَقَد كانَت لَهُ ريحٌ عَصوفُ
8. In Tus did death find and enfold him in gloom,
With no friends around him, no kin to amuse.
٨. أَقامَ بِطوسِ تَلحَفُهُ المَنايا
مَزارٌ دونَهُ نَأيٌ قَذوفُ
9. Say to those who rejoice at our loss: "Gently, wait!
No man who walks upright is spared by his fate."
٩. فَقُل لِلشامِتينَ بِنا رُوَيداً
فَما تُبقي اِمرَأً يَمشي الحُتوفُ
10. You exulted to see this dear soul parted us,
Whom the Prophet bewailed as a pillar of faith.
١٠. سُرِرتُم بِاِفتِقادِ فَتىً بَكاهُ
رَسولُ اللَهِ وَالدينُ الحَنيفُ