
O Father of God, listen to my words

أبا عبد الاله أصخ لقولي

1. O Father of God, listen to my words
Some words come with righteousness

١. أَبا عَبدِ الاِلَهِ أَصِخ لِقَولي
وَبَعضُ القَولِ يَصحَبُهُ السَدادُ

2. You see a darkness that nights return to
To the world as the Ayyad tribe returned

٢. تَرى طَمساً تَعودُ بِها اللَيالي
إِلى الدُنيا كَما رَجَعَت إِيادُ

3. Tribes whose roots perished so they perished
And their mention in time returned so they returned

٣. قَبائِلَ جُذَّ أَصلُهُمُ فَبادوا
وَأَودى ذِكرُهُم زَمَناً فَعادوا

4. They were planted in the sand like eggs
It held them as locusts are planted

٤. وَكانوا غَرَّزوا في الرَملِ بَيضاً
فَأَمسَكَهُ كَما غَرَزَ الجَرادُ

5. So when they were watered they moved and crept
And increased when the good times helped them

٥. فَلَمّا أَن سُقوا دَرَجوا وَدَبّوا
وَزادوا حينَ جادَهُمُ العِهادُ

6. They are the eggs of ashes opened from them
And some eggs resemble ashes

٦. هُمُ بَيضُ الرَمادِ يُشَقُّ عَنهُم
وَبَعضُ البَيضِ يُشبِهُهُ الرَمادُ

7. Tomorrow their bothers will come to you filthy
And their pulling short and the Ayyad return

٧. غَداً تَأتيكَ إِخوَتُهُم جَديسٌ
وَجُرهُمُ قُصَّراً وَتَعودُ عادُ

8. So the cities will be too narrow for them
And the houses and lands fill up

٨. فَتَعجِزُ عَنهُمُ الأَمصارُ ضَيِّقاً
وَتَمتَلِىءُ المَنازِلُ وَالبِلادُ

9. I have not seen the like of them perish and return
Nor the like of them few then increase

٩. فَلَم أَرَ مِثلَهُم بادوا فَعادوا
وَلَم أَرَ مِثلَهُم قَلّوا فَزادوا

10. Among them the lowly and devious crept
And rabble so they are their supplies

١٠. تَوَغَّلَ فيهِمُ سَفِلٌ وَخوزٌ
وَأَوباشٌ فَهُم لَهُمُ مِدادُ

11. The black tents' Anbat have changed
Among them to Arabs so the black tent perished

١١. وَأَنباطُ السَوادِ قَدِ اِستَحالوا
بِها عَرَباً فَقَد خَرِبَ السَوادُ

12. If the Imam willed he'd make a market
And sell them like fertilizer is sold

١٢. فَلَو شاءَ الاِمامُ أَقامَ سوقاً
فَباعَهُمُ كَما بيعَ السَمادُ