1. Welcome gray hair, for it is
The mark of dignity, the ornament of modesty.
١. أَهلاً وَسَهلاً بِالمَشيبِ فَإِنَّهُ
سِمَةُ العَفيفِ وَحِليَةُ المُتَحَرِّجِ
2. My gray hair is like strands of gleaming pearls
In the crown of a wise king.
٢. وَكَأَنَّ شَيبي نَظمُ دُرٍّ زاهِرٍ
في تاجِ ذي مُلكٍ أَغَرَّ مُتَوَّجِ
3. Nothing is finer than gray locks
With wisdom, taming reckless youth.
٣. لا شَيءَ أَحسَنُ مِن مَشيبٍ وافِدٍ
بِالحِلمِ مُختَرِمِ الشَبابِ الأَهوَجِ
4. A guest who brought me maturity, I hosted him
Refusing temptation, following the middle path.
٤. ضَيفٌ أَحَلَّ بي النُهى فَقَرَيتُهُ
رَفضَ الغَوايَةِ وَاِقتِصادَ المَنهَجِ