
When my hands sought from you wealth,

ما كنت إذ طلبت يداي بك الغنى

1. When my hands sought from you wealth,
It was like a mute seeking to marry.

١. ما كُنتُ إِذ طَلَبَت يَدايَ بِكَ الغِنى
إِلّا كَطالِبِ خُطبَةٍ مِن أَخرَسِ

2. And glory is spoiled by the villain with his defects,
Like musk - its scent is spoiled by the iris root.

٢. وَالمَجدُ يُفسِدُهُ اللَئيمُ بِلُؤمِهِ
كَالمِسكِ يَفسُدُ ريحُهُ بِالكُندُسِ

3. O Lord, the wealth of the villain hurts me,
So turn his wealth to the generous but destitute.

٣. يا رَبِّ إِنَّ غِنى اللَئيمِ يَسوؤُني
فَاِصرِف غِناهُ إِلى الجَوادِ المُفلِسِ