1. The sons of Tawq and the clan of Taghlib,
If they were killed or wounded out of malice,
١. إِنَّ اِبنَ طَوقٍ وَبَني تَغلِبٍ
لَو قُتِّلوا أَو جُرِّحوا قَصرَه
2. Would take no blood money in dirhams,
Nor any compensation for their loss.
٢. لَم يَأخُذوا مِن دِيَةٍ دِرهَماً
يَوماً وَلا مِن أَرشِهِم بَعرَه
3. Their blood has no claimant,
It flows freely like the blood of foxes.
٣. دِمائُهُم لَيسَ لَها طالِبٌ
مَطلولَةٌ مِثلَ دَمِ العُذرَه
4. Their faces are pale, their lineages black,
Their ears yellowish from adornment.
٤. وُجوهُهُم بيضٌ وَأَحسابُهُم
سودٌ وَفي آذانِهِم صُفرَه