
When Muttalib died, three things died along

مات الثلاثة لما مات مطلب

1. When Muttalib died, three things died along
Modesty, awe, and reverence were gone

١. ماتَ الثَلاثَةُ لَمّا ماتَ مُطَّلِبُ
ماتَ الحَياءُ وَماتَ الرُعبُ وَالرَهَبُ

2. With his shroud, four virtues now belong
To console Islam and the Arabs from now on

٢. لِلَّهِ أَربَعَةٌ قَد ضَمَّها كَفَنٌ
أَضحى يُعَزّى بِها الاِسلامُ وَالعَرَبُ

3. O day when Muttalib passed away
Our eyes now shed tears that are here to stay

٣. يا يَومَ مُطَّلِبٍ أَصبَحتَ أَعيُنَنا
دَمعاً يَدومُ لَها ما دامَتِ الحِقَبُ

4. The cheeks of Qahtan's sons are now pressed
Against the soil where your soil now does rest

٤. هَذي خُدودُ بَني قَحطانَ قَد لَصِقَت
بِالتُربِ مُنذُ اِستَوى مِن فَوقِكَ التُربُ

5. Go now where the paths of mourning lead
Where tears have flowed or grass is green indeed

٥. فَاِذهَب ذِهابَ غَوادي المُزنِ ما سَفَحَت
صَوباً عَلى الأَرضِ أَو ما اِخضَرَّتِ العُشُبُ