
I brought glad tidings to Abu Sa'd, so he gave me the good news

أنا بشرت أبا سعد

1. I brought glad tidings to Abu Sa'd, so he gave me the good news
Of a father who yesterday hunted prey from the prince's abode.

١. أَنا بَشَّرتُ أَبا سَع
دٍ فَأَعطاني البِشارَه

2. Every day, for Abu Sa'd, there is a raid against lineages,
One day he is from Tamim, another day he is from Fazara.

٢. بِأَبٍ صيدَ لَهُ بِال
أَمسِ مِن دارِ الاِمارَه

٣. كُلَّ يَومٍ لِأَبي سَع
دٍ عَلى الأَنسابِ غارَه

٤. فَهوَ يَوماً مِن تَميمٍ
وَهوَ يَوماً مِن فَزارَه