
O calamity that came from the east

يا نكبة جاءت من الشرق

1. O calamity that came from the east
You left nothing of me and did not spare

١. يا نَكبَةً جاءَت مِنَ الشَرقِ
لَم تَترُكي مِنّي وَلَم تُبقي

2. The death of Ali son of Musa al-Rida
From the wrath of God upon creation

٢. مَوتُ عَلِيٍّ اِبنِ موسى الرِضا
مِن سَخَطِ اللَهِ عَلى الخَلقِ

3. My eyes began to prevent weeping
And ignited my innermost being with throbbing

٣. أَصبَحَ عَيني مانِعاً لِلكَرى
وَأَولَعَ الأَحشاءَ بِالخَفقِ

4. And Islam began wandering
Due to a gaping tear

٤. وَأَصبَحَ الاِسلامُ مُستَعبِراً
لِثُلمَةٍ بايِنَةِ الرَتقِ

5. His grave watered the leaned stranger
In the land of Tus torrents of tears

٥. سَقى الغَريبَ المُنتَئي قَبرُهُ
بِأَرضِ طوسٍ سَبَلُ الوَدقِ