
You hastily married two clans in a year,

غصبت عجلا على فرجين في سنة

1. You hastily married two clans in a year,
Then ruined them without mending your lineage,

١. غَصَبتَ عِجلاً عَلى فَرجَينِ في سَنَةٍ
أَفسَدتَهُم ثُمَّ ما أَصلَحتَ مِن نَسَبِك

2. Had you proposed to a clan and their family,
They would have married you despite your low birth,

٢. وَلَو خَطَبتَ إِلى طَوقٍ وَأُسرَتِهِ
فَزَوَّجوكَ لِما زادوكَ في حَسَبِك

3. You are who you desire, attaining the lineage you want,
You are the son of Ziriab, tracing your origin to dung beetles,

٣. نِك مَن هَويتَ وَنَل ما شِئتَ مِن نَسَبٍ
أَنتَ اِبنُ زِريابَ مَنسوباً إِلى نَشَبِك

4. If a people God wanted humiliated,
Married you out of greed for your gold,

٤. إِن كانَ قَومٌ أَرادَ اللَهُ خِزيَهُم
فَزَوَّجوكَ اِرتِغاباً مِنكَ في ذَهَبِك

5. That would necessitate the springs to gather,
In opposition to you, in the tent pegs or the West,

٥. فَذاكَ يوجِبُ أَنَّ النَبعَ تَجمَعُهُ
إِلى خِلافِكَ في العيدانِ أَو غَرَبَك

6. If you had stayed silent and not proposed to the Arabs,
You would not have tied what you now conceal of your cause,

٦. وَلَو سَكَتَّ وَلَم تَخطُب إِلى عَرَبٍ
لَما نَبَستَ الَّذي تَطويهِ مِن سَبَبِك

7. Consider the houses pleased with your proposal,
And you will find the lowliness of Ukaili among your Arabs.

٧. عُدَّ البُيوتَ الَّتي تَرضى بِخُطبَتِها
تَجِد فَزارَةً العُكلِيَّ مِن عَرَبِك