
Oh, how wretched is merit, if it does not come with what detracts it,

يا بؤس للفضل لو لم يأت ما عابه

1. Oh, how wretched is merit, if it does not come with what detracts it,
He spews his poison from the mouth of an asp, its fangs bare.

١. يا بُؤسَ لِلفَضلِ لَو لَم يَأتِ ما عابَهُ
يَستَفرِغُ السُمَّ مِن صَمّاءَ قِرضابَه

2. Ever finding fault though the fault remains his,
Ignorant of the noble's dignity, a slanderer at his heels.

٢. ما إِن يَزالُ وَفيهِ العَيبُ يَجمَعُهُ
جَهلاً لِأَعراضِ أَهلِ المَجدِ عَيّابَه

3. If he finds me blameworthy, he blames only his own instructor,
And blames himself for blaming his own teacher.

٣. إِن عابَني لَم يَعِب إِلّا مُؤَدِّبَهُ
وَنَفسَهُ عابَ لِما عابَ أُدّابَه

4. He is like a dog who bites what provokes him,
Then attacks his prey and seizes only its specter.

٤. فَكانَ كَالكَلبِ ضَرّاهُ مُكَلِّبُهُ
لِصَيدِهِ فَعَدا فَاِصطادَ كَلّابَه

5. If he betrays me, betrayal clothes him,
With lineage and ancestry as his cloak.

٥. إِن يَغدُرَنَّ فَإِنَّ الغَدرَ أَلبَسَهُ
مِنَ الأُبُوَّةِ وَالأَجدادِ جِلبابَه

6. When efforts fail a man,
He loves finding fault in people, as he has found fault.

٦. تِلكَ المَساعي إِذا ما أَخَّرَت رَجُلاً
أَحَبَّ لِلناسِ عَيباً كَالَّذي عابَه

7. So it is with one whose habit is destroying glory,
For he slanders the architects of glory.

٧. كَذاكَ مَن كانَ هَدمُ المَجدِ عادَتَهُ
فَإِنَّهُ لِبُناةِ المَجدِ عَيّابَه