
Her gap-toothed mouth reveals a mocking grin,

فوهاء شوهاء يبدي الكيد مضحكها

1. Her gap-toothed mouth reveals a mocking grin,
With eyes set wide and flattened at the nose.

١. فَوهاءُ شَوهاءُ يُبدي الكَيدَ مَضحَكُها
قَنواءُ بِالعَرضِ وَالعَينانِ بِالطولِ

2. Her lips meet at the seam leaving her gums bare
As if her tusks were those of baby elephant.

٢. لَها فَمٌ مُلتَقى شِدقَيهِ نُقرَتُها
كَأَنَّ مِشفَرَها قَد طُرَّ مِن فيلِ

3. Her teeth though many, scattered through her jaws,
Are kept revealed by her unseemly smile.

٣. أَسنانُها أُضعِفَت في حَلقِها عَدَداً
مُظَهَّراتٌ جَميعاً بِالرَواويلِ