
He who is miserly with the loaf against the guest,

إن من ضن بالكنيف على الضيف

1. He who is miserly with the loaf against the guest,
How can he be generous without the loaf?

١. إِنَّ مَن ضَنَّ بِالكَنيفِ عَلى الضَي
فِ بِغَيرِ الكَنيفِ كَيفَ يَجودُ

2. We have not seen nor heard of any miserliness
Before this, for his door an anklet.

٢. ما رَأَينا وَلا سَمِعنا بِحُشٍّ
قَبلَ هَذا لِبابِهِ إِقليدُ

3. If there is anything hidden in the loaf,
Then with me, if you wish, is increase for it.

٣. إِن يَكُن في الكَنيفِ شَيءٌ تَخَبّا
هُ فَعِندي إِن شِئتَ فيهِ مَزيدُ