
Have you shed tears, crying with sobs,

أأسبلت دمع العين بالعبرات

1. Have you shed tears, crying with sobs,
And crying at night, enduring sighs?

١. أَأَسبَلتَ دَمعَ العَينِ بِالعَبَراتِ
وَبِتَّ تُقاسي شِدَّةَ الزَفَراتِ

2. You cry for the Family of Muhammad,
With a heart tightened by grief.

٢. وَتَبكي لِآثارٍ لِآلِ مُحَمَّدٍ
فَقَد ضاقَ مِنكَ الصَدرُ بِالحَسَراتِ

3. Oh yes, cry for them sincerely and be rewarded,
With eyes pouring for the calamities of fate.

٣. أَلا فَاِبكِهِم حَقّاً وَأَجرِ عَلَيهِمُ
عُيوناً لِرَيبِ الدَهرِ مُنسَكِباتِ

4. And do not forget their afflictions on the day of Ghadeer,
And the immense tragedy among the greatest tragedies.

٤. وَلا تَنسَ في يَومِ الطُفوفِ مُصابَهُم
وَداهِيَةً مِن أَعظَمِ النَكَباتِ

5. Allah watered the land of Karbala,
With heavy rains of sorrows.

٥. سَقى اللَهُ أَجداثاً عَلى أَرضِ كَربَلا
مَرابِعَ أَمطارٍ مِنَ المُزُناتِ

6. And pray upon the soul and body of Hussein,
Lying slain in the desert by the two rivers.

٦. وَصَلّي عَلى روحِ الحُسَينِ وَجِسمِهِ
طَريحاً لَدى النَهرَينِ بِالفَلَواتِ

7. Killed unjustly, calling out for help,
Alone and friendless, "Where are my supporters?"

٧. قَتيلاً بِلا جُرمٍ يُنادي لِنُصرَهٍ
فَريداً وَحيداً أَينَ أَينَ حُماتي

8. Can I forget, and here is the river overflowing thirsty,
For a slain and oppressed man without guilt?

٨. أَأَنسى وَهَذا النَهرُ يَطفَحُ ظامِئاً
قَتيلاً وَمَظلوماً بِغَيرِ تِراتِ

9. They raised the head of Hussein on a spear,
And drove his women captives, crying and wailing.

٩. وَقَد رَفَعوا رَأسَ الحُسَينِ عَلى القَنا
وَساقوا نِساهُ حُسَّراً وَلِهاتِ

10. So say to the son of Saad, may Allah torment his soul,
He will suffer the punishment of hellfire and curses.

١٠. فَقُل لِاِبنِ سَعدٍ عَذَّبَ اللَهُ روحَهُ
سَتَلقى عَذابَ النارِ وَاللَعَناتِ

11. I will pray forever as long as the wind blows,
And pray at dawn and dusk.

١١. سَأَقنُتُ طولَ الدَهرِ ما هَبَّتِ الصِبا
وَأَقنُتُ بِالآصالِ وَالغُدُواتِ

12. For the group who all went astray from guidance,
And threw the Messenger of Allah into afflictions.

١٢. عَلى مَعشَرٍ ضَلّوا جَميعاً عَنِ الهُدى
وَأَلقَوا رَسولَ اللَهِ في الكَرَباتِ