
When we invaded, we invaded with spears

إذا غزونا فمغزانا بأنقرة

1. When we invaded, we invaded with spears
And the people of Salma with the sword of the sea from the bay

١. إِذا غَزَونا فَمَغزانا بِأَنقِرَةٍ
وَأَهلُ سَلمى بِسَيفِ البَحرِ مِن جُرُتِ

2. Alas, alas, between the two abodes
I have fulfilled my longing and sent away my glance

٢. هَيهاتَ هَيهاتَ بَينَ المَنزِلَينِ
لَقَد أَنضَيتُ شَوقي وَقَد أَبعَدتُ مُلتَفَتي

3. It took its place with a drop of the earth, isolated
The wind falls short of it whenever it blows

٣. حَلَّت مَحَلّاً بِقُطرِ الأَرضِ مُنتَبِذاً
تُقَصِّرُ الريحُ عَنهُ كُلَّما جَرَتِ

4. So the lovesick does not attain his destination
Except with effort and pulling the smooth rock with the rope

٤. فَما يَنالُ بِها الهَيمانُ مَورَدَهُ
إِلّا بِنَصٍّ وَجَذبِ العيسِ بِالبُرَةِ

5. I loved my family and did not wrong them with my love
They said you were blindly partisan, the words of the confused

٥. أَحبَبتُ أَهلي وَلَم أَظلِمُ بِحُبِّهُمُ
قالوا تَعَصَّبتَ جَهلاً قَولَ ذي بَهَتِ

6. I protect their sanctuary and cast at their rivals
And refrain when their foot slips

٦. أَحمي حِماهُم وَأَرمي في مُعارِضُهُم
وَأَستَقيلُ إِذا ما رِجلُهُم هَوَتِ

7. My tongue is theirs with my praise and acclaim
Yes, and my heart and what my ability contains

٧. لَهُم لِساني بِتَقريظي وَمُمتَدَحي
نَعَم وَقَلبي وَما تَحويهِ مَقدِرَتي

8. Let me join my womb-relations if you have severed them
The womb cannot exist in this world without connection

٨. دَعني أَصِل رَحِمي إِن كُنتَ قاطِعَها
لا بُدَّ لِلرَحمِ الدُنيا مِن الصِلَةِ

9. If not for my tribes, I would not have hoped for one who knew me
Nor joined over the days from a remainder

٩. لَولا العَشائِرُ ما رَجَّيتُ عارِفَةً
وَلا لَحَقتُ عَلى الأَيّامِ مِن تِرَةِ

10. So protect your closest tribe, for they
Have a right that distinguishes between spouse and wife

١٠. فَاِحفَظ عَشيرَتَكَ الأَدنَينَ إِنَّ لَهُم
حَقّاً يُفَرِّقُ بَينَ الزَوجِ وَالمَرَةِ

11. My people, the sons of Himyar, and the lion their lineage
And the house of Kinda, and the virtuous among the protected

١١. قَومي بَنو حِمَيرٍ وَالأَسدُ أُسَرتُهُم
وَآلِ كِندَةَ وَالأَحياءُ مِن عُلَةِ

12. Show forbearance, so if their reins are loosened
They unsheathe the swords and return every obstinate one

١٢. ثُبتُ الحُلومِ فَإِن سُلَّت حَفائِظُهُم
سَلّوا السُيوفَ فَأَردَوا كُلَّ ذي عَنَتِ

13. They are the firmest people when reviled
And feet rarely stand firm in trial

١٣. هُم أَثبَتُ الناسِ أَقداماً إِذا بُغِتوا
وَقَلَّما تَثبُتُ الأَقدامُ في البَغَتِ

14. How many worries of the troubled they eased
And how much they endured of hardships and agonies

١٤. كَم نَفَسّوا كَربَ مَكروبٍ وَكَم صَبَروا
عَلى الشَدائِدِ مِن لَأواءَ فَاِنجَلَتِ

15. How many eyes of the twisted I gouged their sights
And how many I cut down for the wrongful from the defended

١٥. كَم عَينِ ذي حِوَلٍ فَقَّأتُ ناظِرَها
وَكَم قَطَعتُ لِأَهلِ الغِلِّ مِن حُمَةِ

16. How many enemies attack me while
The claws are fixed in him, the foe rushes uncontrolled

١٦. كَم مِن عَدُوٍّ تَحاماني وَقَد نَشِبَت
فيهِ المَخالِبُ يَعدو عَدُوَ مُنفَلَتِ

17. If the bull of Tamim had lived and heard
My poetry, he would have died and the despicable one died

١٧. لَو عاشَ كَبشا تَميمٍ ثُمَّتَ اِستَمَعا
شِعري لَماتا وَماتَ الوَغد ذو الرُمَّةِ

18. So he became with the furthest enmity my tormentor
My fear, so he stayed awake with a pounding heart that did not sleep

١٨. فَصارَ بِالعُدوَةِ القُصوى مُؤَرِّقُهُ
خَوفي فَباتَ وَجاشَ القَلبُ لَم يَبِتِ

19. The daughters of the heart came to him restless
In fear of the injustice of my father with the cleft lip

١٩. تَقَدَمَتهُ بَناتُ القَلبِ طائِرَةً
خَوفاً لِضَغمِ أَبي شِبلَينِ مُنهَرِتِ

20. Like a lion, if lions were determined against him
He would not avert his gaze or panic or become silent

٢٠. كَاللَيثِ لَو أَزَمَ اللَيثُ الهُصورُ بِهِ
ما غَضَّ طَرفاً وَلَم يَجزَع وَلَم يَصُتِ

21. My soul competes with me in every glorious deed
To the heights, and if I opposed it, it would refuse

٢١. نَفسي تُنافِسُني في كُلِّ مَكرُمَةٍ
إِلى المَعالي وَلَو خالَفتُها أَبَتِ

22. How often I have trodden with exhausted intestines
For the soul on the path of softness and calm

٢٢. كَم قَد وَطِئتُ عَلى أَحشاءِ مُتعِبَةٍ
لِلنَفسِ كانَت طَريقَ اللَينِ وَالدَعَةِ

23. And how often I charged down the path of death, confronting
With the sword as my connection, so it led me to abundance

٢٣. وَكَم زَحَمتُ طَريقَ المَوتِ مُعتَرِضاً
بِالسَيفِ صَلتاً فَأَدّاني إِلى السَعَةِ

24. Generosity knows that since it pledged to me
I have not betrayed it whether in ease or hardship

٢٤. وَالجودُ يَعلَمُ أَنّي مُنذُ عاهَدَني
ما خُنتُهُ وَقتَ مَيسوري وَمَعسِرَتي

25. And the guest knows that whenever he comes to me suddenly
My wings dash to my palms and my ability

٢٥. وَالضَيفُ يَعلَمُ أَنِّيَ حينَ يَطرُقُني
ماضي الجَنانِ عَلى كَفّي وَمَقدِرَتي

26. He desires his desire, and I desire what delights me
He attains what he wants, and the soul what it craved

٢٦. أَهوى هَواهُ وَيَهوى ما أُسَرُّ بِهِ
يَنالُ ما يَشتَهي وَالنَفسُ ما اِشتَهَت

27. No guest leaves me having spent his night
Except with provision, escort, and excuse

٢٧. ما يَرحَلُ الضَيفُ عَنّي غِبَّ لَيلَتِهِ
إِلّا بِزادٍ وَتَشيِيعٍ وَمَعذِرَةِ

28. The censurers said: "Wealth has brought me to ruin." I said to them:
"What is between a reward I have given and an act of commendation."

٢٨. قالَ العَواذِلُ أَودى المالُ قُلتُ لَهُم
ما بَينَ أَجرٍ أُلَقّاهُ وَمَحمَدَةِ

29. "You have wasted your wealth," they said. I replied: "Wealth corrupts me
When I am stingy with it, and generosity reforms me."

٢٩. أَفسَدتَ مالَكَ قُلتُ المالُ يُفسِدُني
إِذا بَخِلتُ بِهِ وَالجودُ مَصلَحَتي

30. The sustenance of my Lord is for people He apportions it
Wherever He wills, so He directs it to my open hand

٣٠. أَرزاقُ رَبّي لِأَقوامٍ يُقَدِّرُها
مِن حَيثُ شاءَ فَيُجريهِنَّ في هِبَتي

31. So let them thank Allah, not my thanks for their surplus
And let them praise Him, for praise is of lasting benefit

٣١. فَليَشكُروا اللَهَ ما شُكَري بِزائِدِهِم
وَليَحمَدوهُ فَإِنَّ الحَمدَ ذو مِقَةِ

32. Do not engage in jest with an ignorant fool
Whose heart was pleased with what his lip conveyed

٣٢. لا تَعرِضَنَّ بِمَزحٍ لِإِمرِىءٍ سَفِهٍ
ما راضَهُ قَلبُهُ أَجراهُ في الشَفَةِ

33. For many a rhyme in jest flows
Barren, it did not intend growth, yet it flourished

٣٣. فَرُبَّ قافِيَةٍ بِالمَزحِ جارِيَةٍ
مَشبوبَةٍ لَم تُرِد إِنماءَها نَمَتِ

34. Replying wholesomely after its cutting off
Is like the reply of a rhyme after it has passed

٣٤. رَدُّ السَلى مُستَتِمّاً بَعدَ قَطعَتَهُ
كَرَدِّ قافِيَةٍ مِن بَعدِ ما مَضَت

35. When I say a verse, its speaker dies
And the one it is said to, yet the verse does not die

٣٥. إِنّي إِذا قُلتُ بَيتاً ماتَ قائِلُهُ
وَمَن يُقالُ لَهُ وَالبَيتُ لَم يَمُتِ