1. Amuttalib, leave off your false claims
For those are the traits of an unworthy man
١. أَمُطَّلِبٌ دَع دَعاوى الكُماةِ
فَتِلكَ نَحيزَةُ لا رُتبَه
2. How did you see the swords of Bani Hareth
And the battle of the chieftain of Bani Dhabba
٢. فَكَيفَ رَأَيتَ سُيوفَ الحَريشِ
وَوَقعَةَ مَولى بَني ضَبَّه
3. Your proof is only their swords you hated
And you have no true devotion to pilgrimage
٣. أَحَجَّتكَ أَسيافُهُم كارِهاً
وَما لَكَ في الحَجِّ مِن رَغبَه
4. Your wealth did not come from war spoils
Nor from wisdom or honest work
٤. وَما المالُ جاءَكَ مِن مَغنَمٍ
وَلا مِن ذَكاءٍ وَلا كِسبَه
5. Your gifts come from a swimmer one day
And a camel-rider another day
٥. عَطاياكَ تَغدو عَلى سابِحٍ
وَطَوراً عَلى بَغلَةٍ نَدبَه
6. If people's wealth came from cunning
You would not get a handful of dust
٦. وَلَو يُرزَقُ الناسُ مِن حيلَةٍ
لَما نِلتَ كَفّاً مِنَ التُربَه
7. If the virtuous drank water
You would not get a sip from them
٧. وَلَو يَشرَبُ الماءَ أَهلُ العَفافِ
لَما نِلتَ مِن مائِهِم شَربَه
8. If sustenance was for noble men
You would not get a thread or rag
٨. وَلَو خَصَّ بِالرِزقِ نَجلُ الكِرامِ
لَما نِلتَ خَيطاً وَلا هُدبَه
9. But it is the sustenance of Him who gives it
It comes to dogs and bitches alike
٩. وَلَكِنَّهُ رِزقُ مَن رِزقُهُ
يَعُمُّ بِهِ الكَلبَ وَالكَلبَه