1. Deliver from me to the Imam a message,
A message from a complainer about his sides being rubbed,
١. أَلا أَبلِغا عَنّي الإِمامَ رِسالَةً
رِسالَةَ ناءٍ عَن جَنابَيهِ شاحِطِ
2. That when the son of Wahb composes, the composer
Passes his pens over the parchment erringly,
٢. بِأَنَّ اِبنَ وَهَبٍ حينَ يَشحَجُ شاحِجٌ
يُمِرُّ عَلى القِرطاسِ أَقلامَ غالِطِ
3. He loved the coats of mail with intimate love,
Charging them with proving it in the scrolls,
٣. أَحَبَّ بِغالَ البُردِ حُبّاً مُداخَلاً
يُكَلِّفُهُ إِثباتَها في الشرائِطِ
4. And were it not for the Commander of the Faithful,
The coats of mail would have become stuffing for the maps.
٤. وَلَولا أَميرُ المُؤمِنينَ لَأَصبَحَت
أُيورُ بِغالِ البُردِ حَشوَ الخرائِطِ