
When we raid, spears guide us,

إذا غزونا فمغزانا بأنقرة

1. When we raid, spears guide us,
And the people of Salma with the sword of the sea swear allegiance.

١. إِذا غَزَونا فَمَغزانا بِأَنقِرَةٍ
وَأَهلُ سَلمى بِسَيفِ البَحرِ مِن جُرُتِ

2. Alas! Alas! Between the two abodes,
I have fulfilled my longing, and sent my greetings from afar.

٢. هَيهاتَ هَيهاتَ بَينَ المَنزِلَينِ
لَقَد أَنضَيتُ شَوقي وَقَد أَبعَدتُ مُلتَفَتي

3. It has settled in a place on earth, isolated,
The wind falls short of reaching it, however much it blows.

٣. حَلَّت مَحَلّاً بِقُطرِ الأَرضِ مُنتَبِذاً
تُقَصِّرُ الريحُ عَنهُ كُلَّما جَرَتِ

4. Only with determination and drawing the stallion with the cord,
Can the passionate reach their watering place.

٤. فَما يَنالُ بِها الهَيمانُ مَورَدَهُ
إِلّا بِنَصٍّ وَجَذبِ العيسِ بِالبُرَةِ

5. I loved my family and did not wrong them in loving them.
They said "You are blindly loyal", the words of the confused.

٥. أَحبَبتُ أَهلي وَلَم أَظلِمُ بِحُبِّهُمُ
قالوا تَعَصَّبتَ جَهلاً قَولَ ذي بَهَتِ

6. I protect their sanctuary, and shoot at their adversaries,
And refrain when their feet slip.

٦. أَحمي حِماهُم وَأَرمي في مُعارِضُهُم
وَأَستَقيلُ إِذا ما رِجلُهُم هَوَتِ

7. My tongue is theirs, praising and glorifying them.
Yes, and my heart, and what my ability contains.

٧. لَهُم لِساني بِتَقريظي وَمُمتَدَحي
نَعَم وَقَلبي وَما تَحويهِ مَقدِرَتي

8. Let me reconnect my womb-relations, if you have severed them.
The womb cannot do without connection in the world.

٨. دَعني أَصِل رَحِمي إِن كُنتَ قاطِعَها
لا بُدَّ لِلرَحمِ الدُنيا مِن الصِلَةِ

9. If not for my tribe, I would not have hoped for intimacy,
Nor joined the ranks of the honored days.

٩. لَولا العَشائِرُ ما رَجَّيتُ عارِفَةً
وَلا لَحَقتُ عَلى الأَيّامِ مِن تِرَةِ

10. So preserve your closest tribe, they indeed
Have a right that distinguishes between spouse and wife.

١٠. فَاِحفَظ عَشيرَتَكَ الأَدنَينَ إِنَّ لَهُم
حَقّاً يُفَرِّقُ بَينَ الزَوجِ وَالمَرَةِ

11. My people, the descendants of Himer, and the lions are their allies,
And the people of Kinda, and the noblemen of Oula.

١١. قَومي بَنو حِمَيرٍ وَالأَسدُ أُسَرتُهُم
وَآلِ كِندَةَ وَالأَحياءُ مِن عُلَةِ

12. Endure calamities, for if their protections are removed,
They unsheathe the swords and repel each obstinate one.

١٢. ثُبتُ الحُلومِ فَإِن سُلَّت حَفائِظُهُم
سَلّوا السُيوفَ فَأَردَوا كُلَّ ذي عَنَتِ

13. They are the firmest people, when they are aggrieved,
And feet rarely stand firm in trials.

١٣. هُم أَثبَتُ الناسِ أَقداماً إِذا بُغِتوا
وَقَلَّما تَثبُتُ الأَقدامُ في البَغَتِ

14. How many distressed souls they relieved! How much they endured
Of hardships, dreadful calamities!

١٤. كَم نَفَسّوا كَربَ مَكروبٍ وَكَم صَبَروا
عَلى الشَدائِدِ مِن لَأواءَ فَاِنجَلَتِ

15. How many eyes of the twisted I blinded!
And how many unjust ones I cut down!

١٥. كَم عَينِ ذي حِوَلٍ فَقَّأتُ ناظِرَها
وَكَم قَطَعتُ لِأَهلِ الغِلِّ مِن حُمَةِ

16. How many enemies attack me, claws extended,
Charging wildly with hatred unleashed!

١٦. كَم مِن عَدُوٍّ تَحاماني وَقَد نَشِبَت
فيهِ المَخالِبُ يَعدو عَدُوَ مُنفَلَتِ

17. If the bull of Tamim had lived and heard
My poetry, he would have died, as would that wretched rogue.

١٧. لَو عاشَ كَبشا تَميمٍ ثُمَّتَ اِستَمَعا
شِعري لَماتا وَماتَ الوَغد ذو الرُمَّةِ

18. He troubled me intensely with his hostility,
My fear kept him awake, his heart pounding the night.

١٨. فَصارَ بِالعُدوَةِ القُصوى مُؤَرِّقُهُ
خَوفي فَباتَ وَجاشَ القَلبُ لَم يَبِتِ

19. My heart's daughters came to me in flight,
Fearing the rage of my father Shibleen in anguish.

١٩. تَقَدَمَتهُ بَناتُ القَلبِ طائِرَةً
خَوفاً لِضَغمِ أَبي شِبلَينِ مُنهَرِتِ

20. Like a lion, if lions crowd around him,
He does not divert his gaze, nor panic, nor keep silent.

٢٠. كَاللَيثِ لَو أَزَمَ اللَيثُ الهُصورُ بِهِ
ما غَضَّ طَرفاً وَلَم يَجزَع وَلَم يَصُتِ

21. My soul competes with me in every glorious deed,
Reaching for the heights, even if I opposed it, it would refuse.

٢١. نَفسي تُنافِسُني في كُلِّ مَكرُمَةٍ
إِلى المَعالي وَلَو خالَفتُها أَبَتِ

22. How often I have trodden the guts of the weary,
When the soul wanted the path of softness and lenience!

٢٢. كَم قَد وَطِئتُ عَلى أَحشاءِ مُتعِبَةٍ
لِلنَفسِ كانَت طَريقَ اللَينِ وَالدَعَةِ

23. And how often I cleared the path of death by force,
My sword paving the way that led me to spaciousness!

٢٣. وَكَم زَحَمتُ طَريقَ المَوتِ مُعتَرِضاً
بِالسَيفِ صَلتاً فَأَدّاني إِلى السَعَةِ

24. Generosity knows that since I promised it,
I have not betrayed it, in ease or hardship.

٢٤. وَالجودُ يَعلَمُ أَنّي مُنذُ عاهَدَني
ما خُنتُهُ وَقتَ مَيسوري وَمَعسِرَتي

25. The guest knows that whenever he comes to me,
I am ready to give even my soul for his need.

٢٥. وَالضَيفُ يَعلَمُ أَنِّيَ حينَ يَطرُقُني
ماضي الجَنانِ عَلى كَفّي وَمَقدِرَتي

26. He takes what he desires, and the soul what it craves.
He attains what he wishes, the soul what it coveted.

٢٦. أَهوى هَواهُ وَيَهوى ما أُسَرُّ بِهِ
يَنالُ ما يَشتَهي وَالنَفسُ ما اِشتَهَت

27. No guest ever left me on the eve of his stay
Except with provisions, an escort, and apologies.

٢٧. ما يَرحَلُ الضَيفُ عَنّي غِبَّ لَيلَتِهِ
إِلّا بِزادٍ وَتَشيِيعٍ وَمَعذِرَةِ

28. The censurers said "Wealth has ruined you". I said to them
"What is between reward I bestowed, and praise!"

٢٨. قالَ العَواذِلُ أَودى المالُ قُلتُ لَهُم
ما بَينَ أَجرٍ أُلَقّاهُ وَمَحمَدَةِ

29. "You have squandered your wealth", I said "Wealth corrupts me,
If I am miserly with it, generosity is my improvement."

٢٩. أَفسَدتَ مالَكَ قُلتُ المالُ يُفسِدُني
إِذا بَخِلتُ بِهِ وَالجودُ مَصلَحَتي

30. The sustenance of my Lord is for people He apportions,
Sending it to them from wherever He wills.

٣٠. أَرزاقُ رَبّي لِأَقوامٍ يُقَدِّرُها
مِن حَيثُ شاءَ فَيُجريهِنَّ في هِبَتي

31. So let them thank Allah for what is surplus to them,
And praise Him, for praise holds benefit.

٣١. فَليَشكُروا اللَهَ ما شُكَري بِزائِدِهِم
وَليَحمَدوهُ فَإِنَّ الحَمدَ ذو مِقَةِ

32. Do not jest disrespectfully with any foolish man,
Whatever pleased his heart he babbled through his lips.

٣٢. لا تَعرِضَنَّ بِمَزحٍ لِإِمرِىءٍ سَفِهٍ
ما راضَهُ قَلبُهُ أَجراهُ في الشَفَةِ

33. For many a rhyme of jest flows easily,
Unintended, yet it grew.

٣٣. فَرُبَّ قافِيَةٍ بِالمَزحِ جارِيَةٍ
مَشبوبَةٍ لَم تُرِد إِنماءَها نَمَتِ

34. Repeating a joke after delivering its punchline,
Is like repeating a rhyme after it has passed.

٣٤. رَدُّ السَلى مُستَتِمّاً بَعدَ قَطعَتَهُ
كَرَدِّ قافِيَةٍ مِن بَعدِ ما مَضَت

35. When I recite a verse, its speaker dies,
And the one it is said to - yet the verse does not die.

٣٥. إِنّي إِذا قُلتُ بَيتاً ماتَ قائِلُهُ
وَمَن يُقالُ لَهُ وَالبَيتُ لَم يَمُتِ