1. If you do not lend a hand without being commanded,
Then you are no lord, attaining glory at the end of time.
١. لَئِن كُنتَ لا تولي يَداً دونَ إِمرَةٍ
فَلَستَ بِمولٍ نائِلاً آخِرَ الدَهرِ
2. What vessel has not poured out when filled?
What miser has not spent in a moment of plenty?
٢. فَأَيُّ إِناءٍ لَم يَفِض عِندَ مَلئِهِ
وَأَيُّ بَخيلٍ لَم يُنِل ساعَةَ الوَفرِ
3. The noble youth is not just one who gives in ease,
But one who gives in hardship and in ease.
٣. وَلَيسَ الفَتى المُعطى عَلى اليُسرِ وَحدَهُ
وَلَكِنَّهُ المُعطي عَلى العُسرِ وَاليُسرِ