1. Awaken from your angels, O thou who blamest
You have blamed enough, you who are past forty
١. أَفيقي مِن مَلامِكِ يا ظَعينا
كَفاكِ اللَومَ مَرُّ الأَربَعينا
2. Have not the events of the nights saddened you
That whiten the locks and the horns
٢. أَلَم تَحزُنكِ أَحداثُ اللَيالي
يُشَيِّبنَ الذَوائِبَ وَالقُرونا
3. If your soul is not admonished by the white hair
Then the preaching of the preachers does not benefit
٣. إِذا لَم تَتَّعِظ بِالشَيبِ نَفسي
فَما تُغني عِظاتُ الواعِظينا
4. Although I acknowledged my white hair
I resist when I meet the resistant
٤. عَلى أَنّي وَإِن وَقَّرتُ شَيبي
أُشاقُ إِذا لَقيتُ الوامِقينا
5. And I love that Sulayma tell me
And I tell her what we have met
٥. وَأَهوى أَن تُخَبِّرَني سُلَيمى
وَأُخبِرَها بِما كُنّا لَقينا
6. I love the singing girl and I love the flute
The singers are dear to me even if they sang
٦. أَحَبُّ ذَخيرَةٍ وَأَحَبُّ عِلقٍ
إِلَيَّ الغانِياتُ وَإِن غَنينا
7. And all the weeping of a quarter or graying
We weep for it, so they are our eyes
٧. وَكُلُّ بُكاءِ رَبعٍ أَو مَشيبٍ
نُبَكّيهِ فَهُنَّ بِهِ عُنينا
8. I love white hair when it was said a guest
For my love of the guests who descend
٨. أُحِبُّ الشَيبَ لَمّا قيلَ ضَيفٌ
لِحُبّي لِلضُيوفِ النازِلينا
9. And we do not gain virtues by wishing
Nor by words do the doers become perfect
٩. وَما نَيلُ المَكارِمِ بِالتَمَنّي
وَلا بِالقَولِ يُبلي الفاعِلونا
10. I greet the courage of the steeds of my people
And you were not greeted O city
١٠. أُحَيّي الغُرَّ مِن سَرَواتِ قَومي
وَلا حُيِّيتِ عَنّا يا مَدينا
11. If you are the Children of Israel
And you were proudly boasting of foreigners
١١. فَإِن يَكُ آلُ إِسرائيلَ مِنكُمُ
وَكُنتُم بِالأَعاجِمِ فاخِرينا
12. Then do not forget the pigs which
Were transmuted with the despised monkeys
١٢. فَلا تَنسَ الخَنازيرَ اللَواتي
مُسِخنَ مَعَ القُرودِ الخاسِئينا
13. In Ayla and the Gulf they have customs
And traces of feet but we erased
١٣. بِأَيلَةَ وَالخَليجِ لَهُم رُسومٌ
وَآثارٌ قَدُمنَ وَما مُحينا
14. And the search of the Read Sea is not the quest of danger
But we set out for our victory
١٤. وَهُم كَتَبوا الكِتابَ بِبابِ مَروٍ
وَبابِ الصينِ كانوا الكاتِبينا
15. Nizar knew that my people
Were foremost in supporting the prophecy
١٥. وَهُم سَمَّوا سَمَرقَنداً بِشِمرِ
وَهُم غَرَسوا هُناكَ التُبَّتينا
16. Some virtuous men purified themselves from us
And God's love is for the purified
١٦. وَفي صَنَمِ المَغارِبِ فَوقَ رَملٍ
تَسيلُ تَلولُهُ سَيلَ السَفينا
17. And He revealed a verse that those who fight them
He will punish them by your hands in diverse ways
١٧. وَما طَلَبُ الكُميتِ طِلابُ وِترٍ
وَلَكِنّا لِنُصرَتِنا هُجينا
18. And disgrace them and give you victory over them
And heal the breasts of a believing folk
١٨. لَقَد عَلِمَت نِزارٌ أَنَّ قَومي
إِلى نَصرِ النُبُوَّةِ سابِقينا
19. So if you said the Messenger of God is from us
Then Muhammad is for all Muslims
١٩. تَطَهَّرَ مِن أَفاضِلِنا رِجالٌ
وَحُبُّ اللَهِ لِلمُتَطَهَّرينا
20. From which paganism did Quraysh emerge
And they were a confederation of liars
٢٠. وَأَنزَلَ آيَةً أَن قاتِلوهُم
يُعَذِّبهُم بِأَيديكُم فُنونا
21. With this young Qurashi man we killed
Their ally, the Commander of the Faithful
٢١. وَيُخزِهِمُ وَيَنصُركُم عَلَيهِم
وَيَشفِ صُدورَ قَومٍ مُؤمِنينا
22. And Marwan we killed for Yazid
Thus is our judgment upon the aggressors
٢٢. فَإِن قُلتُم رَسولُ اللَهِ مِنّا
فَإِنَّ مُحَمَّداً لِلمُسلِمينا
23. And with Ibn Al-Simt from us we killed
Muhammad son of Harun the Trustworthy
٢٣. مِن أَيِّ ثَنِيَّةٍ طَلَعَت قُرَيشٌ
وَكانوا مَعشَراً مُتَنَبِّطينا
24. We forcibly killed Al-Harith Al-Qasri
Abu Layla though he was a refined young man
٢٤. قَتَلنا بِالفَتى القَسرِيِّ مِنهُم
وَليدَهُمُ أَميرَ المُؤمِنينا
25. So whoever's murder was in the market, we
Made the killing of the caliphs a religion
٢٥. وَمَرواناً قَتَلنا عَن يَزيدٍ
كَذاكَ قَضاؤُنا في المُعتَدينا
٢٦. وَبِاِبنِ السِمطِ مِنّا قَد قَتَلنا
مُحَمَّداً اِبنَ هارونَ الأَمينا
٢٧. قَتَلنا الحارِثَ القَسرِيَّ قَسراً
أَبا لَيلى وَكانَ فَتىً أَثينا
٢٨. فَمَن يَكُ قَتلُهُ سوقاً فَإِنّا
جَعَلنا مَقتَلَ الخُلَفاءِ دينا